About Us


Brass Lantern Games was founded in 2005 by David Ghandehari and Tom Stone. Dave and Tom met while working at Centerscore, a small mobile game developer in Silicon Valley. Being the only two employees who drank coffee, they formed an instant bond, and made frequent runs to Starbucks where they discussed their likes and dislikes about the current state of the game industry (they also talked about music, women, and drinking other things besides coffee...but that's another story). It was obvious from the start that Dave and Tom shared the same passion for making games, and had a similar philosophy on what makes a game "good". They began working together on a "Rogue-like" RPG, a game that Dave had started a few years back. Development was slow, but the idea of running their own company was quickly solidifying. Half way through development, they decided to put their pet project on hold in order to forge ahead with the creation of Brass Lantern Games and their first title with an actual publisher, Starrunner.


The Brass Lantern Crew

David Ghandehari :: Designer, Programmer, Co-Founder

Tom Stone :: Artist, Webmaster, Co-Founder


Special Thanks to...

Dan Chow :: Intern

Kevin :: Intern

Thanks guys for all your hard work!!! Starrunner would not be what it is today without your contributions.